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Weaving  Scenery -spring 2023 


Title/ Weaving  Scenery -spring 2023

Material/ Glass, natural materials (soil, stones air and water), 

                acrylic mirror  beading cord and silicon

Technique/ Flameworked, Engraved

Size/ W171.0 ×D163.0 ×H240.0 cm

​Year/ 2023 


Solo Show/ “Tracing the Scenery 2020-2023”

May 20, 2023 - June 11, 2023

Space/ Yu Harada,Tokyo

Weaving Scenery -spring2023.jpg

I record the vigor of nature and memory of the land with glass. Because I describe glass as “a material that can trap time and memory forever,” and believes that there is beauty in things that have changed over time and in things that are fragile and seem to disappear.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, we realized that we can never know when we might lose our lives, and we could appreciate the vigor of nature when our movements were restricted. I started production on works with the theme of “Documenting the land.”

I selected flamework as the technique for this project so that it can be carried out in places where there is no access to glass blowing facilities (hot shop). I blew borosilicate glass melted with an oxygen burner torch and engraved the date and the place name onto each of the blown glass balls.

I made many glass balls by using natural materials (soil, stones and water) that make up the landscape of around my home. Using the collected soil and stones to make molds, I blew the glass into them and used water from the river behind my home to create ice cracks in the glass balls.

私は自然の生命力と土地の記憶をガラスで記録しています。私はガラスを「時間と記憶を永遠に 閉じ込められる素材」と捉え、経年変化したものや、壊れやすく消えそうなものにも美しさがあると捉えているからです。

私は新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響から、「土地と暮らしの記録」をテーマに掲げた《Weaving Life Project 2021》の制作を始め、更にその延長線上として「土地の風景の記録」をテーマした《Weaving Scenery -spring 2023》を展開しています。

自宅周辺の風景を構成する素材 (土と石) を集め、それらで型を作り、酸素バーナートーチで溶かしたホウケイ酸ガラスをその型に吹き込む。自宅の裏の川の水を汲んできて、ガラスの表面にひび割れ模様(アイスクラック)を施す。-----この行為は、この瞬間とこの地をうつしとるためのものであり、無二のかたちであると考えます。


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