“ BIWAKO BIENNALE 2018 ” , Shiga, Japan
Period: September15, 2018 – November 11, 2018
Accumulated Memory 記憶のなりたち

- for my grandmother
I hope to keep in my mind the day
when I felt the warmth and weight of 92 years ...
This work is one of my Flower Diary series.
I addresses glass as “a material in which time is locked up forever,” recognizing that aging objects and fragile, likely to vanish objects also contain beauty.
92年間の 温かさ と 重み を感じた日のことを
Material/ Glass
Technique/ Hotwork, Kilncasting, Pate de Verre,
Coldwork (carving, cutting, polishing)
Size/ D31×W31×H24.2 cm
Year/ 2008
Collections/ galerie artglycine, Aichi, Japan ギャルリアールグリシーヌ(愛知)
Photo credit/ Kichiro Okamura

Material/ Glass
Technique/ Hotwork, Kilnwork, Coldwork (carving)
Size/ D28.2×W42×H29 cm
Year/ 2013
Public Collection/ Glasmuseum Lette , Germany レッテガラス美術館 (2018)
Photo credit/ Kichiro Okamura

" Reminiscence "
Material/ Glass
Technique/ Hotwork, Kilncasting, Pate de Verre,
Coldwork (carving, cutting, polishing)
Size/ D35×W35×H31.2 cm
Year/ 2011
Collections/ Hida Takayama Museum of Art in SANCTUARY COURT TAKAYAMA ART GALLERY RESORT, Gifu, Japan
サンクチュアリコート高山 アートギャラリーリゾート内 飛騨高山美術館 (岐阜)
Photo credit/ Kichiro Okamura